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Sexual Assault & Abuse Prevention Education

Staff from the Sexual Assault Center and Willow Tree Cornerstone Child Advocacy Center are available to help you raise awareness and present information regarding sexual assault, child sexual abuse, and sex trafficking to organizations, schools, and other community groups.

Presentations can be tailored to suit your needs.

Kids Can

A developmentally appropriate child abuse prevention program for children 3-6 years old that teaches kids about their bodies, good vs. bad secrets, and safe vs. unsafe touches.

Sexual Assault Prevention

Age-appropriate prevention programs for grades K-12. Includes topics such as sexual harassment, internet safety, and consent.

In-Service Training

For professionals, organizations, and community groups of any size to learn about sexual assault and abuse and how to prevent it.

To schedule any of the presentations above, please email Samantha at [email protected] or call (920) 436-4360 ext. 1287.